Thursday, 2 June 2011


My day was filled with corporate job conference calls......though I got to take a few breaks here and there to play Chess with Zephyr, at his request.  Chess is my fave game, so this is a great feeling for me that my children are now at an age to play games with me! Spending time with Zephyr today was amusing with his comments that sprung from nowhere, yet filled the air with awe.

Whilst playing Chess, Zephyr asked a few times about how a piece could move.  He has most of it down, but still trying to figure the entire game out. When he asked if the pawns could retreat backwards, and learned that they could not, he declared 'Ohhh, so they are the bravest of all'.

Zman w/ his Seester
I'd never really thought about pawns like that. I've always seen them as sacrificial, but I suppose that does make them the bravest of all. The Queen, Knight.......Bishop......all retreat but the pawns keep moving ahead.

When Z awoke, the first thought he mentioned to me was 'Mommy, I wonder where the first humans came from. since a woman and a man had to make the humans, then where did they come from?'

Z's other sister (he idolizes)
Later, whilst playing with his sisters, I overhead Zman say ''that's because the Earth is spinning, I bet it's Scary when we spin upside down if we didn't have that big magnet inside the Earth' (?? - I've no clue)

Though, not all of Zephyrs comments amused me today. He's suddenly taken to saying in a condescending manner a long drawn out 'Helllooooo', as in 'Hellooo, is anybody in there' (with total attitude of 'come on, don't you realize the obvious?').  Finally, when we were enjoying a few hours on the beach after work, and he said this 'Helloooooo' to me, yet again, I said 'Zephyr, seriously, where's this 'Hellooo' coming from. it's really annoying and rude and I don't know where you get that from but PLEASE'

His immediate response?

''Well, you say it all the time, Mommy''

and he's right! I had no idea but I do say it allll the time, and I now recall it all.

so, there ya go. my little mirror showed me how annoying I can be, so I need to watch what I say!

I'm going to go back to the children now. they are full of laughter and giggles in the back garden. The weather outside is Delightful!

Goodbyyyyyeee for now.

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