Monday, 9 November 2009

Halloween Fun

I really MUST slow down so I can catch up. I'll start right now:)

Here's some photo's of this years Halloween celebrating with the kiddo's. We didn't Trick-or-Treat this year, because it's apparently not really done where we moved to. BUT, we got to enjoy a Halloween party with home educating friends the Thursday before Halloween, and also a birthday party on Halloween morning, AND the biggest treat of all, is the kiddo's Gran come home with us to spend the night at our new home.

Thanks to my sister sending a box of Halloween goodies to the kiddo's from America, we were able to throw a spooky party that night. Hubby and Derek decorated the back garden with spider webs and colourful lights, and the box of goodies provided treat bags, plates, cups, decorations, masks, music and lots more.

Indigo wanted to go as her alter-ego which is 'Queenie the Superdog' (a brown puppy outfit I sewed from my old brown t-shirts), Cypress a 'Googly Eyed Space Monster' and Zephyr as a super hero. I managed to snap a photo of Cypress' costume, and then also a cheerful one of the kiddo's with their Gran (who donned a Witches cap for the occasion)

Oh! and another special annual treat we enjoyed was the 'Chicken Curry slowed cooked in a pumpkin' feast. It's DEEELICIOUS!

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